What you are about to read is a hand written letter by Charles Sauve (my Great Grandfather) found in the Library Archives of the University of Calgary. The letter is addressed to Mr. Louis Lavalle, Sr. who along with Charles Sauve was sent by the Métis National Comity to retrieve the remains of Louis Riel after his execution for leading the Métis during the North West Resistance of 1885.
After 1885, Charles Sauve went on to work on behalf of the Métis Cause as the first secretary of the L’Union Nationale Métisse Saint-Joseph du Manitoba from 1887 through 1895. His work during that period helped to collect and archive Métis histories both familial and personal. Today the Archives of La Société historique de Saint-Boniface acknowledge the significant contributions of Charles Sauve.
Turning again to the letter you are about to read, The person of Louis Riel was not as well embraced by the Métis people during the years between 1910 and 1960 as he is today. The subject of Louis Riel and his leadership in the "North West Resistance" along with many of those who openly honored the memory of Riel's leadership and sacrifice as central to Metis identity itself, were shunned and scapegoated. I believe the letter to Louis Lavalle you are about to read refers to that experience.
April 1930
Mr. Louis Lavalle, sr.
Genthon P.O. Manitoba
Dear Mr. Lavalle,
Attached, I am sending you a document that may be of interest to you, if you take the trouble to read it or have it read. This is a book that I am starting, and I would like to inform all Métis as much as possible, at least those in Manitoba.
What I am undertaking is difficult work, but with the help of the Lord Jesus-Christ, anything is possible, and there is nothing to fear. I know that the vast majority of our people will not be satisfied with what I write but I am sure there will be a few who will be satisfied. I have no intention of flattering anyone by writing it, I have nothing to lose, I have everything to gain.
Riel said: What makes me strong, is dedication without limits. I don't have the advantage of saying the same thing; but I say to his example: what encourages me, is to see that I am looked upon as a person with whom it would be better not to have relations, and so there is contempt and distance.
Jesus Christ says: You will be very happy when people will hate you, when they exclude you from their synagogues (in the present case of their History) when they insult you, and when they slander your name as evil. Luke, Chapter 6; verse 22.
You see, it is much more profitable in the eyes of God to be despised, because Jesus Christ is always ready to bless the persecuted. It is also said: Woe unto you, when all men speak well of you. Luke, Chapter 6, Verse 26.
And in the 27th verse, of the same chapter, Luke again: But to you who are listening I say: love your enemies, do good to those who hate you.
That is what I want to practice, as much as my strength will allow it. We do not want my name to appear in history; that is fine, I am not angry; but one thing is certain; my name will appear when the good Lord allows it.
I will end by asking you to kindly pass the said document to whoever will read it if you think it appropriate. I hope by the grace of God that you are in good health as well as Mary and Marguerite and the rest of your family.
My respects to all the friends,
Your devoted,
C. Sauve
P.S. I take this means to inform the public because I have no other means at the moment. C.S.
A note from Brad Mix to the reader:
The document below (as referenced in the preceeding letter to Louis Lavalle, Sr.) was found among some long forgotten papers that had been stored in the basement of the Archives of La Société historique de Saint-Boniface. I had the multi-page document translated from it's original French into English which I then produced as an eight page booklet to be given out to those interested in Charles Sauve's long forgotten words about Louis Riel.
I'm not sure if the original letter was ever actually sent to any one, so in a way you may be one of the first to have the opportunity to read his words and thoughts about Louis Riel. Also, please pay special attention to Riel's prophetic dream at the beginning of the letter. From what I understand this dream was known to a handful of Metis people and circulated by word of mouth but had until now never found its way into print.
During the night of the 15th of May 1885, Riel had a dream. It is impossible to hear these last words addressed to his friends the morning he left for Camp Middleton without having a heart full of the greatest emotion.
“My friends,” he said, “you’re going to smile with pity, because I had a dream last night and was weak enough to believe in it. I saw myself hanging from the gallows. I saw an outraged people moved by my agony and crying out for justice for my people. My death will be the salvation of my brothers. You are my witnesses that I am not guilty of starting the bloodshed. We have won. Goodbye.”
With that he left to surrender himself to his executioner.
This dream was to come to pass and the day of its realization was the 16th of November 1885, a day of mourning and profound sadness for the Métis people.
At 8 o’clock in the morning, Riel climbed the scaffold at Regina, capital of Saskatchewan, accompanied by Father André the priest of Prince Albert parish who was there to help him. Riel climbed up onto the scaffold quickly, loudly telling the one who was taking him there to hurry because the priest was going slowly and seemed near fainting. After having reached the top of the scaffold he advanced by himself bravely, as if representing his unseen people. He placed himself where his executioner indicated with a calm and a resignation impossible to describe. This place was the fatal platform from which at a sign from the executioner the innocent victim would be thrown into eternity at the end of a bloody rope.
I repeat here the words that a great person wrote in January
1886. “His life (Riel) was that of a hero, his death that of a saint and his name will shine among the greatest in history. From the height of the gallows his great soul will soar and thunder out across the horizon of the fatherland, awakening the old French blood asleep in our veins.”
Here is a document that corroborates the assertions of this great person. “To our brothers the English and French Métis of the lake and its environs:
Very dear family and friends,
If you have not already learned it, you should know that from time immemorial, our forefathers have defended this country which was theirs and is ours at their peril. The government in Ottawa has taken away our homeland; for fifteen years they have scoffed at our God-given rights, crushing us with thousands and thousands of injustices. The officials are guilty of all sorts of crimes. The Mounted Police scandalize all of us with word and deed. They are so corrupt that our wives and daughters can’t be safe in their own neighborhoods (and we’re hardly better in our own time). The laws of honesty are nothing more than jokes for them now. Oh, my brothers and friends, we’re always taught to have faith in God but today when evil has reached such heights, we need to especially have faith in our Lord Jesus-Christ.”
By the French-Métis, Members of the
provisional government of Saskatchewan
This document is convincing proof that Riel wanted nothing but good for the Metis people and the general population and that he resorted to arms simply to fight against the vices being practiced in the country to the detriment of the Métis nation. But, one might say, if this man was always disposed toward good and its practice, why then was he executed? The answer is very clear and short: it’s that he had enemies and his enemies wanted him dead both physically and spiritually at all costs. Furthermore, his enemies were very dangerous because they were clothed in authority and they succeeded in their infamous plans.
It is true that they succeeded in destroying his body but his spirit lives on and his mission will continue following God’s will. The world with all its means cannot stop God’s plans. Before being condemned Riel said,
“My whole life I have had as my goal practical results. I am leaving writings and after my death I hope that my spirit will bring about practical results. Oh, Lord, I offer you my entire life for this cause and from my weakness create an instrument to help the inhabitants of my fatherland.”
If we want his spirit to bring about practical results, it’s up to us to wake up and begin by putting into practice the teachings that he gave us. Yes, he gave his whole life for the national cause and it’s up to the Métis people today to recognize the true value of the sacrifice made by our leader in giving his life for his people. Are we going to set it aside and forget it as has been done for so many years already, forget all the instructions he gave us while still among us? Isn’t his cause ours as well? Aren’t his principles ours, too? Yes, certainly. But, what are we waiting for to get to work? Are we waiting for or searching for help from the Bryces, the Taylors, the Davidsons and the Sommervilles? Certainly, not, because all these individuals are not and cannot be counted on as far as the Métis cause is concerned, no more than were the Schultzes, the Boultons, the Scotts and others in 1869 and 1870. Riel never had any confidence in them while alive and if he were alive today would feel the same because the former and the latter are and were our enemies. Today if we saw apparently friendly strangers come to offer their help for the cause it would seem perfectly reasonable for those who seem to appear to govern the ship of state to accept their services, but at the same time to watch over them so as not
to give them any opportunity to encroach upon or damage the cause.
I address in particular those who are taking it upon themselves to work for the interests of the Métis nation. If the death of our leader is not sufficient to awaken in our hearts the love that we owe our fatherland and the Métis nation;
if we have doubts about the importance and the necessity of helping the cause succeed; if we have doubts about the “raison d’etre” of the Métis nation let’s take a look at the past and let’s consider attentively the encouraging words that follow:
“After the martyr comes the transfiguration. The prodigious grandeur of this soul rises above his mortal remains, then inundates the marks of his agony with such glory and such a halo that a Protestant minister, Mr. Pool, couldn’t stop himself from crying out, ‘What calm, what serenity, what beauty!” (The Patriot Priest)
“Riel has no narrow views. He’s a man who accomplishes great things. May you be blessed by God and men and take solace in your sadness.” (Ignace Bourget, Bishop of Montreal.)
Here is a partial judgment of a renowned American author, Joaquin Miller, who wrote:
“Some of our richest Washington citizens offered to post bond for Riel. It didn’t matter that he was treated as a coward by those who were thirsty for his blood. Didn’t his courage, calm and sublime, shine like a star on the day of his execution? Where and when have we seen valor equal to that which this man displayed in the face of death? I believe that Riel will take his place ahead of Montcalm, Wolfe, and Montgomery as the most loyal, the best, and the greatest of all those who died for their fatherland and their brothers.”
(The Globe, St Paul, MN, 6 December, 1886)
“Riel represents the eternally sacred cause of justice, liberty and humanity.” (The Patriot Priest)
“Riel, God has given you a cause to defend, the triumph of religion in this world. Take care, you will succeed when nearly everyone else believes you have failed.” (Jean-Baptiste Primeau, priest of Worcester, Massachusetts)
“Riel is the incarnation itself of righteousness and incorruptibility.”
(Father Alexis André, Riel’s priest)
Here now is what Sir Wilfred Laurier said in his speech given at the session of 1886 concerning the Métis cause:
“Finally, justice was rendered to these poor people. For seven long years, they had petitioned but always in vain. In ten days, from the 26th of March to the 6th of April, the government had changed its ideas and its politics, and given them what they had refused to give them for ten years. What was the cause of this change of heart? The bullets of Duck Lake, the rebellion of the Northwest! The government had rebuffed them for years, but finally these men defended their right to life and liberty, and the government relented and gave them what belonged to them. Now I call to all those friends of liberty in this chamber! I call not only to the liberals seated around me, but to all those men who have in their body the heart of an Englishman, and I ask a question of them: When the subjects of Her Majesty petitioned for their rights, for years, and these rights were not only lost from view but crushed underfoot, and when these men risked their lives, arms at the ready, and revolted, is there one member of this chamber who will say that these men should not be pardoned and reintegrated into the legitimate possession of their rights? Is there a member of this chamber who will not say that the criminals of this rebellion – if there were criminals – are not those who fought, who spilled their blood, who died, but the men who occupy here, in front of me, the ministerial posts?”
And finally, we also have Martin Jerome, who used all means possible for several years to help his compatriots, to have them respect our rights so as t ocarry on as a people. He never missed an occasion to warn when some danger seemed to be threatening his nation. He had always been disposed to give good and wise advice to his compatriots, whenever the occasion presented itself to him. I cite below some of the counsels that he gave to his compatriots in a speech given on the occasion of the celebration of the Métis National Day at St Anne.
“Dear children, I desire and wish with all my heart that what I’ve just placed before your eyes remains engraved in your hearts and your memory. And I beg you to never be ashamed of your nationality, never hesitate to say that you are Métis, and be certain that you will be much more respected by other nations. Always take the counsel of your elders and your ancestors. Love each other and be assured that divine providence will protect you, and that in future generations, your descendents will still love to say, ‘We are members of the great Métis family, which has done so much for our religion and the civilization of our country.”
Inconclusion, allow me to tell you that Riel was an extraordinary man, by his lofty ideals, his faith in God, his courage at every test, his patriotism, and his attachment to the religion of Christ. His memory will remain profoundly engraved in the heart of all those who are prepared and who desire fervently to see the success of the national cause. God gave the man a progressive revelation. His plan unveiled divine secrets for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. He had the grace, the knowledge and the power to execute his plan in spite of the condition and the opposition of men and the organized system of Satan. Time has proven that the immeasurable blessing of God was with Riel while he was on earth, because the cause that he defended conformed to God’s design. If we hope to follow in his footsteps, and if we want to continue his work with the same commitment that he had, we also will have upon us the blessings of God, which will be for us the assurance of our success. So, I have total confidence that the small number of people who read and re-read this document carefully and thoughtfully will decide to march ahead, encouraged by the ideas so well expressed by all the authorities that I have mentioned earlier. These expressions, so just and so fitting, should certainly encourage us and prove to us that our cause is good and that divine providence is with us.
Very respectfully,
Charles Sauvé
Estimated origin date of the typed letter
version of this document, 1928 - 1931
Fourty plus years after Louis Riels death, Charles Sauve passed away on November 16th, 1931.
And my Uncle John Smith, who knew his Grandfather Charles, also passed away on November 16th, 2015.
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